Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I got home from work last evening and as usual, Bratley was by the door waiting to greet me. Always a nice thing. Then Shalimar came running up but she was noticably in distress. She was choking. Her inability to breath was alarming and I started screaming at Husband asking how long she had been in this condition. He came running out telling me he hadn't noticed any problems with her until now.

I called the vet wanting an immediate appointment. They offered one at 9:30 the next morning. My response was "How about NOW?" I told them I was bringing her in, she was in extreme distress and I'd be there in 20 minutes.

Shalimar has a cold which appeared to stimulate her asthma. Now, no medication for both the cold and the asthma she is doing much better. She will be on medication for the next 10 days. Hopefully this doesn't happen to often. She scared me half to death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy the kitty is okay. That would scare me too. Is this the kitty you're holding in the picture?

Gracie has me a bit worried right now. I hope to get her into the vet tomorrow morning.

I would love to see the migration. I like to listen to the locusts in my front yard. We have 8 trees in our yard, three of which are right outside my bedroom window and by the porch. It's wonderful to listen to them at night.
