Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Mystery

It's close to 10 years ago when Husband bought me a Valentine's Day gift of a little "throw-away" rose that we found at a local nursery. It was so pretty that I put it under growth lights until I was able to plant it outside. It did quite well there so when we built the house, I took it with me knowing that I may never know the variety name should there be one. Once here, it again settled in and is now about 2½' tall and about as wide. My guess is that after 4 years here and 5 years at the other house, this is a mature plant. The leaves are a dark leathery green, very disease resistant and reminds me a lot of the leaves on Playboy but maybe not quite as big. Each spring it covers itself with these lovely orange and mauve 2" blooms. The buds are very ovate and a deep orange. My guess is, it is a miniature especially since that is what is so often cultivated for these special occasions; thus considered what I've heard termed as "throw-away" roses. It is possible that this rose has no variety name at all; just simply one of those cultivators that just didn't seem to have what it takes to be named and go into production. Since then a number of people tried to tell me it was Gold Medal but I drag my feet on this. I even had the nursery check for a variety name. They called the supplier who had no name for it. Yet, for me, this little rose has done better than some and each year it improves on itself. It's ashame that I don't know what the variety name is or even if it has one. This bush is so photogentic.


Austin of Sundrip said...

can you go on the net and figure it out? do a google search or something for throw away roses. if you find that it has no name are you able to name it yourself and get it on the books?

this morning i found a rose growing right between the space of the fence. It cought my eye because its the only red thing in the yard as far as flowers go. I havent gone up close to see it. I will soon though.


SolitaryDancer said...

I haven't got a clue but it is just lovely.

But it had your love to coax it in to the beauty it is today.

Anonymous said...

can any one tell me if and where u can purchase a "throw away Rose" I would love so much to have some. If any one knows where I can purchase some, please let me knowl