I have a photo contest coming up the 16th of June. Of course, in preparation of this, there is a lot of photographing going on around my house. The contest of roses, but I'm never one to resist a pretty shot. The other day I was out because the rose beds were in their glory. Husband caught the bug when he saw me walking around the garden and got his camera as well. Between us, we took 156 shots.
I got the camera with the most shots uploaded first, cleaned it out in preparation for the next shoot and hooked up the second camera.

Husband couldn't wait until the larger slower camera was uploaded and decided to look at the pictures already on the computer. All these 100 photos were selected as he looked at them. Then he said to me, "I'll show ya somethin'. This one is blurry so I'll delete it." He hit delete and sat there staring at the computer as each of the 100 pictures disappeared, one at a time!
"Oh," he said, "You can upload them again since I

After some digging, we found out where the computer stores deleted picture files and were able to restore them. I told Husband he was lucky that we found them. Otherwise....
These are a few of those pictures from the retreived deleted files. Yep, I was not happy about that incident. I told Husband to keep his hands off my computer from now on. He's always complaining anyway that I don't have my machine set up the same way he has his set up. He was lucky we found those files.
1 comment:
It's a good thing you know how to get them back too or it would have been a sad state of affairs for him. I know how to get stuff back easily but I still would have fell over had I been standing in front of the PC watching that happen. Yikes is right.
What I like about the first picture is how you immediately see the little bird but then your eye follows the image back to the hills and the horizon. I really like that shot.
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