Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Out of the blue and from a source I no longer remember, I got this hosta.  It does seem to me that I got it at an auction, without knowing what it looked like or where I was going to put it.

This hosta is called Liberty.  For the first two years I considered losing it; it was so tiny and not all that nice.  Then about three years ago, it simply started to strut it's stuff and has been a highlight for anyone who visits the front door.

It borders a blind path through this garden which is 35' wide and 70' long.  Around it is purple bug-bane, ferns, bloodroot and a white rhododendron.

Liberty is a great stand-out hosta for those semi-shady spots.  It will tolerate some sun, but prefers mostly shade.  It averages about 2-1/2 to 3' tall and wide and so far has not needed divided.  It literally glows.  I've not had it plagued with bugs or slugs so far.

I keep impressive hosta throughout the garden, some in spots where hosta are known not to particularly like, but they all do good for me.  Liberty, however, is extremely happy where it is and continues to impress me.

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