Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Pet Issues

Well, Shalimar is still sick. Can you believe this? However for the past week or so, I've had her on her aminophylline for her asthma and as a treat after taking the pill, I've been giving her about ¾oz. of moist cat food laced with stabilized oxygen (vitamin O). After about 7 days, she is showing stong improvment. She still has episodes of coughing and sneezing and snotty nose, but they are becoming fewer and farther apart and not as stong. For the past two days she's even played with Tootsie, becoming bolder each day.

If she doesn't continue to improve, I will be taking her back to the vet and see about something stronger for her asthma. I really don't want to do that. I would really like to see the stabilized oxygen begin to take over handling her condition and get her off the drugs. But right now that simply can't happen.

I want this bought with this asthma over soon, for her sake as much as mine.


Marta Domínguez Senra said...

I trust in the internal power to healing ourselves. So, I guess that Shalimar do not need a strongest treatment with drug therapy.

I wish to have more knowledge about yoga in cats, because yoga has proved to be very good in asthmatics. I'll search in internet. How old is Shalimar, Julie?

Julie said...

Marta, Shalimar is 4 years old. With each asthma attack she gets a little worse and it gets harder to clear up. This time she got way worse.

I've never heard of yoga with cats. I do try to keep Shalimar quiet and restful, hoping that will at least help some. Please let me know if you find anything.