Sunday, January 04, 2009

Update on Mother

Mother is now out of SICU and in another room. At least this one has a phone in it. Now her doctors are suspicious that she has an infection. I thought it funny that when my sisters and I called after her on Thursday, she was still in SICU after a week and the very next day moved into another room. It makes me wonder if we call again, if her infection will mysteriously disappear.

It also makes me wonder how much bullshit her nurse was trying to feed us. The story we got from her and the story we got from Mom's husband, Ralph, were completely different. Now, granted, Ralph is no doctor, but baby sister, Cindy, is.

If Mom does have an infection, it is suspicious that she might have gotten it from the hospital. She didn't have it before she went in there. Sister, Lori, and I are debating on whether we want to go down there or not. We'll wait and see how Mother fairs in the next few days. Maybe Cindy will join us if we go. If that happens, the hospital better take this time to make sure all the eyes are dotted and the tees crossed in all the paperwork.

That's all the news to report right now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Julie--Tom told me you have a message in your blog on your mother. Keep us updated on how she is doing. LOIS

Anonymous said...

We'll all be watching to see updates. I hope she manages well.
