Friday, July 28, 2006

It's Not Sleepwalking but...

I had a rough night last night. Reason?? Don't know. I got home from work the usual hour but lately I've been struggling with these late nights. As usual I wasn't really fit to be driving even if it was around 1 AM and no one was on the road.

Anyway, I got home and decided to go right to bed. Of course, I turned on the tube to watch what I would of Animal Planet. I usually watch about 5 minutes of it before drifting off. This was the case last night. I woke at 2:13 am. I even looked at the clock and noted the time. The TV was flashing noisely so I grabbed the remote, flicked it off and stuck the remote in the drawer of the nightstand so the cat wouldn't knock it down and lose the batteries.

I woke at 4:08 am. I even looked at the clock and noted the time. The TV was flashing noisely so I grabbed the remote, flicked it off and stuck the remote in the drawer of the nightstand so the cat wouldn't knock it down and lose the batteries.

This is no lie!!! Husband told me the TV was singing sweetly when he got home from work but was off when he came into the room. This means I have no idea what time I actually turned the thing off. He usually gets home around 5 am.

I finally got up at 5:35 am when Shalimar wouldn't let me sleep anymore. It turns out that she had an accident with her food dish and needed me to clean it up for her.

This morning the remote was in the nightstand drawer so the cat wouldn't knock it down and lose the batteries.

1 comment:

Austin of Sundrip said...

ah, you're a night worker now. that's right. I'm a night owl..always have been.

At first I thought you were going to say you were taking Ambien and sleep walking...horrible stuff I hear.

Hey did you know that a red apple will wake you faster than a cup of coffee? Yup, it's true. I guess you could have both but I prefer the coffee myself.
