Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Rainy Day

Patio Pearl. Floribunda. This rose was introduced in 1990 under another name and class. It started out as a miniflora called Pearl Palace. However, it definitely was misclassed. This bush gets far to big in every way to be classed as a miniflora and does seem to fit better in the floribunda class. When this rose is at the top of it's game, it is outstanding but the conditions must be perfect for this to happen. Beautiful as it is, it's petals often water spotted, burned and the leaves are almost always disease spotted. It's actually a very strong rose and has good winter health. It doesn't appear to like the humidity we get around here. It blooms like mad.

Today is another rainy day. It isn't like we've not had many of these lately. I shouldn't complain. When we first built and moved into this house we had the worst drought in history for this area. This past week we managed to survive about 19" of rain and it's raining again! It's beginning to look like a rain forest out there. All 36 of my trees aren't complaining I'm sure. Oh, that's 39 trees if you count the ones the neighbor planted on my property. Don't worry, she knew she was close to the line and asked us before she planted them. Then when they arrived, the nursery man realized that to plant them where she wanted them would be to close to her drainfield, so he planted them on my property.

Since it was raining today, the kitchen was the optimun place to be. I made dessert for dinner tonight and a batch of raspberry jam. The jam was made a little differently this year. It was more work but I think it will be well worth the effort. For dinner is Salmon with a dill/lemon butter. I never used to make this, but once while visiting in California, my friends, Jane & Mack made it for me. It was so good that I started making it at home. Husband doesn't eat salmon, so I will always make him something else. But it's now my favorite fish. I usually make it with tater tots and salad.

My 4th of July was a quiet day. I hope yours was too.

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