Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Garden Wish

Yesterday was a beautiful day! But it had rained almost non-stop for three days so there was no denying that playing in the dirt would be impossible. So instead, we took a trip to Longwood Gardens. I love going there. This should be my garden!!!! Oh, wouldn't I be in heaven!

One of my most favorite trees is the beech. Above is my beech tree. It's always the last tree to come out in leaf and always the most beautiful though it is still very small. Below is one of the river beech at Longwood garden. I want that!!!!! I want my beech to look like that! My beech is growing nicely, but it will be a very long time until it looks like the one at Longwood.

This massive tree at Longwood is their last surviving American Elm. This is one impressive tree and I want it in my garden. The tree in the foreground is a White Oak, another of my favorites. When we went to choose our last and final shade tree, it was a toss up between the white oak and the sweetgum. The sweetgum won because it was already dug and has less chance of transplant shock killing it. White oaks are hard to transplant.

This is my elm, though it isn't an American Elm. It is a Chinese elm which is more resistant to the Dutch Elm disease. It doesn't get as big or impressive and the American elm. Most all of my trees, except for a couple are native to the Eastern US. I'm really funny about this. I want our native trees. I think they are more impressive than anything else I've seen coming from other countries with diseases and insects that are hurting our eco-system.

A Nandina at Longwood. I saw this and was really impressed. Makes me wonder what to expect with my own.

This is my 3 year old nandina.

A great time was had yesterday. We walked over 10 miles until we were ready to leave. We also shot over 250 pictures. I will post more pictures when I have them ready.

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