Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Sultry, Hybrid Tea, introduced 2001, interim rated (7.6); there's not enough ratings to give it a full rating.

This isn't the best shot I've ever taken, but it's still OK.

This rose was very slow to start for me. I was afraid of losing it altogether last year. This year it was much better. It seems that this one wants to establish first and give roses second. That's OK with me. The other one in this color area is Marmalade Skies which also was the same way. At the age of 3, Marmalade Skies is doing beautifully and one of the nicest roses I have.

What I like about Sultry is the color. Even from a distance, the color stands out and attracts the eye. In my garden this year, it seems to like the hot, humid days of deep summer over the wetter, cooler days of spring. It is a nice looking rose this year and is blooming heartily right now. But again, it's the color that I find so attractive. The apricot color is slightly bolder and the substance of the petals is better than Just Joey. This rose also has a nice fruity fragrance as well. Next spring I will take several cuttings of this rose and hopefully get a few more for the garden.

We each have a rose which we are drawn to by it's color. The two that draw me the most is Sultry and the pink of Chicago Peace.

What's your favorite flower color? Name the flower and the color. It doesn't necessarily have to be roses. The rose is my favorite flower.


JBelle said...

white roses! my fave. Sally Holmes currently has my heart. I just love it. Also, Robusta. Such a pretty rose.

Anonymous said...

The picture of that rose is awesome even if you say that it is not the most beautiful one you took. I like the shade of its petals, it reminds of something I used to have as a little kid, though I can't quite remember it.