Sunday, November 19, 2006

Today's Work

Today started out not so good. First thing was the brand new dryer. I put clothes in it and started it in the normal fashion. After a bit it started making a loud rattling noise like something was coming loose or never tightened. It dried the clothes in the normal fashion. When Husband got up, I showed him what it was doing and as the noise started, there was a loud "THUNK". The vent hose popped off the machine. Apparently it was never hooked up right.
Shortly after, I went out to do some gardening. Then things started going a little better. Working days now, I rarely get the chance to be out in the garden. It's getting dark now about the time I arrive home. So today, an overcast but rather mild day, I was able to get out and prune roses for their winter's nap and started pruning down the perennials that were ready for bed. I worked outside for four hours and it felt good.
I've been very selective about what plants I buy this year and don't see that changing any more. We get the garden planted in as far as I want it for now. We've already started rearranging the plants we have to accomplish the look we want for the property. But that will come when it comes. I'm not rushing anything.
I'm hoping that next weekend is very much like this one. I'm thinking that another four hours will do it for the garden this year.
For now, meatloaf is the day's fare.

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