Saturday, November 25, 2006

Check It Out!!!!

Something new from my desk...


I am in the process of making at least one of these for display purposes. I'm hoping to be able to sell these. The ones I am making now are far enough along to really start to show and are looking really nice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really like the one with the blue bells. i'm a fan of pink (i try not to bring that up much because I have a hard nose, super hip chick reputation to uphold) but when I see pink flowers with blue somewhere in the pic I have to smile. I love your stuff.
other secrets of the super hip chick known as Austin- I whistle while I work. I listen to country music. I can't dance. Please don't tell anyone these secrets. This is between you me and cyberspace. Shhhh... keep this info on the down low.
