Sunday, December 23, 2007

Let's Party!

Today I hosted the family Christmas party. After at least one other party this week; getting ready for this party;being on my feet from 4:00 am to 11:00pm each evening; baking 40 dozen cookies; a turkey; sweet potato casserole; cleaning the house; wrapping all the gifts; getting party favors ready; setting up for the party; baking biscuits, gravy, and a pumpkin pie; doing a load of laundry, I am beat.

But the party went off without a hitch. Well...maybe one. The great grandfather of my grandchildren is well into his 80's and rather set in his ways. I think he was expecting a traditional turkey spread and instead, we had a pot luck dinner. My Husband's ex and I both made turkeys (neither of us had one that was big enough for the entire group). She brought the cold turkey for cold turkey sandwiches. I had the hot turkey for the hot turkey on biscuits with gravy. She brought the stuffing and some gravy. I had some gravy too.

Each of the kids brought something as well. Jennifer brought a wonderful green bean casserole and Christina brought the most delicious baked corn I'd ever eaten. In the end it was a really nice dinner and after I explained to great grandfather that he could have his choice in hot food or cold, he ended up having a wonderful time too.

After dinner we spent 2½ hours opening gifts. Now, mind you, we, the adults had swapped names at Thanksgiving. The gifts at this party were for the grandbabies of which there are 4. Those kids made out like bandits!

Both the little ones, Laura, the blond and Sarah the brunette, are now pretty much walking. However, it is tiny Sarah that is motoring all around. Laura still wants to crawl around a good bit, but will stand and balance herself. She seems to be a more deliberate child, taking her time with the packages and ripping the paper carefully.

Sarah, on the other hand, is quite the character. She is already practicing to be quite the vixen, standing here peeking over the stool seat, her little butt swinging back and forth like in a provocative dance. Now, remember, she is only 1.

Both of my stepchildren make us proud, but of my stepchildren, Jennifer is the one to be most proud of right now. She has lost about 50 lbs. so far and is still loosing. She is finally starting to look really good and I know she says she feels much better too.

The party was fun as usual. I must admit, I do know how to throw a party. The hot turkey and biscuits with gravy went over very well too. Much of the food left after dinner with everyone, but I did keep some to make with other meals and the left over hot turkey will be remixed with the juices left when I roasted it and I will make turkey noodle soup, most likely Christmas day. Oh, I can hardly wait for that! I've been so hungry for noodle soup and now I have the stock to make it. None of that turkey went to waste. All that went into the trash were the bones.

Now it's time to go visit the neighbors for a cocktail party.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you do know how to throw a party.

I've been craving biscuits and gravy for weeks now.
I don't have a good dumpling recipe, do you have one cause for too long I've craved chicken and dumplings. Must have them. I must have them.

The kids look so beautiful.
Congrats to your stepdaughter for the weight loss.
