Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Day Before

It's the day before the 1st day of spring. I was home from work today due to a lovely stomach virus that hit me hard last night. Though feeling better, my appetite still isn't what it should be or maybe I'm still a little nervous about eating anything. But I'm not really all that hungry either.

Anyway, it's been showering steadily since early last night. Today, feeling better except for the eating thing, I decided to do some non-strenuous stuff. I had some canna bulbs that I'd been wanting to get planted up and started while waiting for the more perfect weather for them in about a month. But the pots I needed were in the shed. So I donned my hoodie and a pair of boots and trudged up to the shed. When I got out there, the rain was actually warm, so I took a pleasant few moments to walk about, inspecting my plants (established and newly moved).

Here's the verdict:

Blanc Double de Coupert in the front, which was struck by lightening last season, is alive and well and pushing.

Maple trees are blooming. Forsythia are ready to open their blooms. The flowering Almonds are also pushing buds. Flowering Quince is pushing it's flowers, Cleveland Pear is also pushing flowers, Snow Fountain weeping cherry is pushing blooms. Dogwoods are changing colors, their buds getting a green base to them, though they won't be ready to bloom for some time. Purple cherry is fattening flower blooms but won't be ready for a while yet.

There's been a lot of rain so far this spring and the plants are all loving it. Everything, including the grass is showing signs of chlorophyll production and all look strong and healthy.

My world is about to start showing color and I am ready. I have the begonias started, three of the canna started and sitting in the rain right now. The elephant ear is potted and getting the benefit of the rain as well as a day lily that was a door prize and a rose Dream Come True that I picked up at Costco. I also have a primrose and two pansies that I also got at the symposium on Saturday that are outside enjoying this wonderful early spring weather.

Even though the calendar says that tomorrow is the 1st day of spring, it's been spring here for the past week. I always say that you know it's spring when you hear the toads sing. The toads have been singing for the past week.

This evening I will clean and oil the cameras for the start of the new growing season.

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