Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A Blast from the Past

I just got a comment from someone for my post "Dear Diary". Funny, this reminded me that I had gotten a rather unexpected response from my Congressman for the note that I wrote to him back in October. The letter was received in the mail rather than email which made it even more personal. He stated in his note that he was quite concerned on how events were headed.

After that, this Michael creature slithered out of the public eye, like a snake in the grass. But, apparently he's still trying to push his weight around, doing what he can to destroy the soul of this country. Frankly, this country could do better without him. We've already proven our worth and 911 only made us stronger.

As far as this Michael creature is concerned...he needs to be put in his place.

If this upcoming election is truly supposed to be for the people...the first order of business would be to replace this Michael creature because of his arrogance if nothing else. If we want to stop terrorism, we must first stop it in our own back yard. A policed state is totally unacceptable.

1 comment:

Ki said...

I wholeheartedly agree. This paranoia and fear mongering police state is intolerable.