Friday, September 01, 2006

Another Day

Perle d'Or ~ polyantha, yellow blend, very double. Introduced in 1884. Garden rated at 8.4 out of 10. A very old little poly that's stood the test of time. A strong grower in these parts, getting nearly 4 feet tall and nicely bushy. I've had very little disease with this tiny rose, even through the roughest time of black spot. It also seems resistant to insects. It wants to bloom for me in the regular HT type flushes, about thee times a year rather than the miniature all season bloom. The blooms are very small, maybe 1 1/2 inches across.

It's been raining here for the past three days and I'm not anticipating the sun to shine again for almost a week. That hurricane (what's it's name again????) is shooting up the East coast and we're expecting something from it. It is very rare that a hurricane has any force left by the time it reaches here and usually at best they are down graded to tropical storms. Hurricanes of note in the past century were:

Hazel (1954). Hazel hit this area the day I was born. Now you know what makes me the way I am!!!
Agnus (1972). Agnus visited the year I graduated from H.S. Ok, now I've dated myself. Of all the hurricanes, Agnus had been down graded to a tropical storm by the time it arrived, but it combined with two other systems right over us, causing extreme devestation and flooding. Entire counties were wiped out with this storm. Lancaster County being hit the hardest.
Floyd (1999). Floyd was the weakest of the strong hurricanes that hit this area. It left a lot of flooding in it's wake, but not much else. Oh, it did knock down an 80 foot tree in the neighbor's back yard in such a way that it landed on the roof of my house.

Between the raindrops, I was able to get outside to cut some roses for the house. I have three vases of roses. One for the dining room table, a beautiful yellow vase with brown stripes we found at Hershey Chocolate Factory filled with orange, yellow, apricot and vermillion colored roses. The apricot one is Just Joey, considered by the American Rose Society as one of the most fragrant Hybrid Teas. There's another clear and red cut glass vase with bi-colors (colors such as pink with white), shades of reds, pinks, salmons and purples for the sofa table. Last but not least is a tiny miniature vase, hand crafted by a pottery factory in the Poconos that sports one single miniflora rose, red with a pink reverse.

I will busy myself the rest of the day inside. There's much there that needs attention too. Tonight is my last night as an owl. Come Tuesday, I will begin the job in the daylight hours.

1 comment:

Austin of Sundrip said...

I like fresh cut flowers on my dinner table. I have a different dinner table now, it seats six and is cherry wood with that old fashioned green on the legs. It sits in front of my picture window. I like the way it looks with fresh flowers on it. I do not hesitate to buy flowers for myself.
