Saturday, December 02, 2006


I thought I would try selling some of my counted cross stitch patterns on Ebay. Now that was a joke. Everyone who visits that website will easy buy, but only if it's nearly free.

I had checked some other cross stitch patterns that sold, $.99 or $2.99 -- You've got to be kidding!!! I would sell 1/4 of the pattern only for that price, not an entire kit! In stores the average price of a pattern kit runs around $27.98, some higher, some a little lower according to the number of floss colors, etc.

Knowing what it takes to put one of these things together, that alone makes it worth more than what people seem willing to pay. Add on to that the copywrites of original artwork and you get something even more valuable than what's in the stores.

I will find a market for my stuff some day. Or at least people who can really appreciate it. At least my boss does. He pays me a decent salary, according to my abilities to come up with creative ideas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup, people that buy on eBay want it for free pretty much so they can turn around and sell it for 10x what they paid for it. you'd do well to take them to craft shows or to the fair or something like that. there is certainly a market for them.
