Sunday, May 20, 2007

Today's Shots

Some favorite shots from the garden today...

Theresa Bougnet, Hybrid Rugosa, very fragrant

Baronne Provest, Hybrid Perpetual, very fragrant

Gnus Flash, Tall Bearded Iris, fragrant, rare stripped variety

L. Candida, clematis, large dinnerplate flower, introduced in the 1890's. My favorite clematis and the only one I'll have in my garden.

Romantic Evening, Tall Bearded Iris


CoralPoetry said...


You have a wonderful blog. I have a few garden photos and you are welcome to visit. There's also some poetry which is an acquired taste.

I love the helicopter pic. Nothing would persuade me to do a job like that. They must belong to the daredevil branch of flying.

BTW - You have comment moderation checked. Have you had trolls at your site?

When I first started my blog I had no trolls and my blogger friend told me that after about 6 months there would be a sudden influx of idiots - I suppose once the blog becomes Googlable it becomes vulnerable.


Anonymous said...

Great shot of the clematis - the whites certainly light up a darker area and make night gardening possible. (I'm a big blue's fan however) :-)