Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Checking the Lines

This happens every so often at the power lines that run across the back of my property. It's really cool to watch these guys as they check the power lines to make sure everything is operating fine. When I'm out and they come overhead, they'll often wave. I wave back.

This fellow is sitting on a platform. He probably has a place there where he can keep whatever tools he needs to do his job.

There is another team that will fly over and this fellow stands on the sleighs to inspect the cables. I have to admit, standing on the sleighs makes me nervous. I think it would be hard to keep your balance.

Still, it's cool to watch them as they go about their business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

checking power lines on a helicopter? Yikes. Waving reminds me of how when I was a kid I'd do that arm pull to ask the truckers to honk their horns. They'd do it and I thought it was the greatest thrill in the world.

smiles to you and yours,