Thursday, May 31, 2007

Strawberry season

I spent this evening gathering fresh strawberries out of my garden. I processed two quarts by washing them, slicing them and sugaring them for strawberry shortcakes. The rest I put in a pot to wait until I get them turned into jam.

Last year this time, I usually did them as soon as they came into the house. Of course, I worked nights then. Still, even though I did them, I was usually only half asleep. These days, I'm up early and to bed early, getting much more rest, feeling like I have a lot less day, even though it is after dark until I get to sleep. But I sleep more.

I still have to figure out how I want to do these strawberries. I'll probably wait until Saturday unless I'm feeling energetic tomorrow night. Who knows. Usually Fridays I do stay up well past the bewitching hour and do feel energetic. Maybe I'll make at least some of the jam tomorrow. I have enough strawberries to make three batches of jam. However, I'll be lucky to have enjoy sugar for two.

We love strawberries in the house. That's why I grow a patch, harvest it and make desserts and jams out of it. After the season is over this year, I will rip out the plants as they are now getting old and replace them in the spring. The process will start over again without a crop next year. We'll have plent of jam to last us until the next harvest. Fresh ones could be at a premium though. I guess we'll just have to survive on the California berries that are shipped here around March or so.

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