Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Spring Stuff

I've been working on the garden this week. It's been fun, but also a lot of work. I also am taking the time I want to enjoy the garden and watch the birds. I'm surprised at the number of Chickadees we have in the garden this year. We've never had them in the garden before and this year we have two breeding pairs. They are constantly squabbling with each other even though one lives in the Crimson maple in the front of the house and the other pair lives in the little house under the beech in the back of the house. They are funny to watch.

Years ago, we were given a tiny Japanese maple of undetermined variety by the wife of a deceasd friend. She said that her husband would have wanted us to have this tiny tree, so we took it in honor of the friend. Six years later it is growing nicely on a hill, still in honor of this friend. It was a gift to him by another mutual friend. I'm pleased it is growing so nicely.

Not far from that Japanese maple there is another, almost directly across from it. This little Threadleaf Japanese maple, again of undetermined variety resides near the beech tree and is doing amazingly well despite the rough winter we had. We had found this tiny tree at a box store, nearly dead from abuse and neglect for $25. We brought it home, planted it almost immediately and kept it well watered. Well, Mother Nature did most of the work. This spring it leafed out very well and is now looking at being established. It is growing nicely as if it didn't know it was planted there last fall.

In between the two Japanese maples we are planning on putting in a pondless waterfall, hopefully next year, and a set of steps alongside to gain easy access to the upper level of the back garden. Although our garden will always be a work in progress, this waterfall should be the last of the major projects. We are also thinking of putting in a stone path from the driveway around to the patio, but this shouldn't be so expensive that we can't do it at almost any time.

We've been keeping up with the garden very well this year so far. I hope we can keep it up. We wanted another tree for the back garden and looked around at a few, but eventually decided on a sweet birch that was growing along the back fence under the electric cables. We moved it to the spot where we wanted another tree. It is in deep shock right now, but looks strong. I'll give it another dose of root-start and it should be fine. It is actually growing for me. I'm hoping that the immature roots it has will be able to sustain it until they are large enough to truly support it. I won't know the strength of it until next spring when it blooms again.

Husband wants to finish the last of the mulch today and I want to continue with the back flowerbed, preparing it for the wildflowers I will broadcast throughout it. This should be another good day and just in time for the rain that is coming.

The forsythia still needs serious attention and that will come. Then the garden will be up to date with the care. I did notice that the weeding needs to be started again in the front. It just goes round and round it seems.

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