Friday, April 02, 2010

Time now for the Garden

Today I got my first of two rose orders. I didn't order much this year. Just a few plants which include 4 roses and three perennials.

The roses I got today were Fourth of July and Crimson Bouquet. I ordered these from Northland Roses, a new company to me because of a gift certificate I had won as a door prize at a local rose convention. I was impressed with the roses when they arrived. Well cared for, well rooted and very healthy. I have high hopes for these babies.

Yesterday I went to the local garden nursery and bought another pink dogwood. I seem determined to have a pink dogwood tree in my garden somewhere. The one I have has had a very bad couple of years since I over fertilized it. It's been going down hill since and it now appears to have lost the best part of the tree. So, my trip to the nursey was to get a repalcement. However, now that I've bought the tree, I'm not so sure about the little sick one. It appears to have improved this past day, so I will allow it the rest of the week and this glorious weather to prove that it truly didn't lose the best part of it. If that is the case, the new little pink dogwood will go to another spot that is crying for a tree like this. Or maybe I'll just plant it in the new spot and replace the other one should it finally succumb.

I'm working on the roses. Many of them were broken badly from the worst snow in 8 years but I lost only one of them. That one is one that seems to want to be an annual anyway and it didn't surprise me. Many of the others did though by surviving the winter with flying colors. I have most of them pruned now and want to finish them this weekend. I'd also like to get the fertilizing done as well.

We are right on schedule for the early spring clean up and will hopefully have time to do some other things to the garden we couldn't get to last year. We had mulch delivered yesterday. This is about 2 months earlier than we've gotten to it before.

The weather's been beautiful and the recession has been keeping us at home. This is a good thing for the garden.

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