Monday, June 05, 2006


Finally!! The patio is now considered finished. All the furniture is on for it and we can now use it. In the center is the firepit. The bowl of this is turned upside down right now because it's been raining lately and we want to keep it nice. These are the before pictures that were taken earlier this year and the after pictures which were taken Saturday. The only thing left is to decide which plants we want climbing the new arbor. Right now I'm thinking the rose Golden Showers but that could change until next year.

This has been a very difficult project and I'm glad it's the last of the major hardscape for this yard. Yet, it seems the house really called for this. Even the dog loves it. Thankyou for listening to all this.

We still have the path to put around the house to the work patio and driveway, but that will be another year. And no, it won't be as much work as this was.

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