Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Something Fun

Ok, so it's another dreary day. I'm bored to death here but a friend sent this to me so I thought I'd play.

How well do you know me?? For instance, did you know...

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Graphic Artist
2. Horse Trainer
3. Waitress
4. Bar Maid
Two movies I would watch over and over:
1. The Seventh Sign
2. Phantom of the Opera
Three places I have lived:
1. Pennsylvania
2. South Carolina
3. Michigan
Four TV shows I love/loved to watch:
1. CSI series
2. 24
3. Medium
4. Stargate series
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Disney World
2. San Francisco
3. Portland
4. Bermuda
Four websites I look at daily: (more than others)
1. Library Dust
2. EWA (The Kan)
3. People Behind My Eyes
4. Life at Star's Rest

1 comment:

Austin of Sundrip said...

i like stargate. I'm not much on science fiction but i liked stargate. i guess i kind of like the newest version of star trek as well but to tell you the truth, my TV is hardly ever on.

I saw a BEAUTIFUL flower at Wally World the other day. Sg says it grows on a huge bush and that the bush is covered in these huge blooms. My digital cam isn't working so i couldn't take a shot of it and send it to you so i could ask what it was. It was very tall, and the bloom had i think 4 peddles of a very bright red or redish colour. my goodness, it was breathtaking. I didn't buy it because there was no reason to take it home just to kill it. It would have been premeditated floral murder. I hear you can get the life in max security prison for that nowadays.

smiles to you